Contact Capture
People, Organizations and Groups
Capture all the people, organizations and groups that are involved in your catalog, including creative contributors to assets, parties to contracts, or recipients of royalty distributions all in one place.
Sophisticated Support for Names and Identifiers
Track multiple identities for a single contact: legal identities, pseudonyms, other aliases, and the IPIs & ISNIs that identify them.
My Network
Increase Efficiency Through Defining Your Network
Define your network of trusted parties, both internal and external to your organization, and RYTEBOX will automatically utilize this network for determining accurate global rights and royalty calculations.
Your Affiliates
You and your global network of affiliates all work in the same cloud based system and will share data you’ve deemed sharable.
Your 3rd Party Relationships
If your 3rd party partners also use RYTEBOX, you can manage the level of access each of your partners has to your data. You no longer need to worry about catalog shipments, emails or clunky file transfers when you are both on the same system.
Immediately Understand Your Relationship to a Party
Quickly access the list of assets and contracts that a person, group or organization has participated in.